HarvEX :: Turbo-Sniper SE
Server based sniping add-on for HarvEX: Win eBay™ auctions while the PC is off.
The TurboSniper Server Event (SE) technology posts your sniping bids
for eBay auctions while your PC maybe offline and supports you with
best control while you are online. TurboSniper SE is now
seamlessly integrated into the easy-to-use, award winning HarvEX Auction Processor GUI and supports also
bids groups and multiple eBay accounts. Never has sniping been easier.
And TurboSniper SE can be used without the need to give your password
Standalone sniper shots in HarvEX are unlimited. 100 server
based SE shots are available free directly afterregistration of standard HarvEX.
More SE shots are available through
This tool is available as free trial. Test it
yourself ::
- Usability :: Smooth
integration into the high featured and easy-to-use
HarvEX Auction Processor GUI. Using SE-Bids doesn't require more than activating a checkbox in HarvEX. SE Sniping maybe used in parallel to or instead of standalone sniping.
- International :: All international eBay sites
- Group Bids :: Bid
on more similiar auctions until you win one or M! The group bids are
consistently synchronized for standalone and SE shots! New
- Multi User :: Your bids postings may use
different eBay accounts or you could snipe for your friends ...
- See more on the
HarvEX main page
How does TurboSniper SE work?
For server based SE shots, the SE server schedules your bid
postings, but invokes your self managed small relay-script, which inserts the eBay password and
actually posts the bid. This way you can keep your eBay account data
absolutely private.
The current Release of the HarvEX software: HarvEX-Setup.exe
(1.7MB / Windows98 or higher). Registration is done Registration of HarvEX.
Feel also free to feedback@xellsoft.com.
Order a free newsletter to be informed about updates, improvements, tips & tricks in auctions. Your data is not used for other purposes.
Buy additional TurboSniper SE-Tickets
The ticket policy: As SE sniping is a real-time computing service which depends in part on the auction server (eBay), on proper internet network and other risks, which cannot be influenced by Xellsoft, the success of SE shots cannot be guaranteed 100% by any means. Thus the ticket policy is, that you buy SE server power from Xellsoft, but not guaranteed SE sniping success. Yet Xellsoft is committed to run this service technically a good as possible.
You have 100 free shot credits available directly after standard registration of HarvEX, which can be used when you set up your own SE script as described below. When buying and using a ticket, you receive 500 new shots and an easy-to-use SE script-account, which has to be set up once (easy setup within a minute) in order to enable SE sniping in HarvEX.
Buy SE Ticket 500: 10$ :

Hint: Without consuming a new SE credit, an SE shot can be edited (change of bid value, group, etc.) an unlimited number of times before the actual shot is executed near end-of-auction.
Your TurboSniper SE CGI script
There are two possibilities for setting up the SE script:
- In case, you are a master of your own CGI web space
(homepage) anywhere on the web:
Script execution test
SE script setup on own web space
- You'll receive a free easy-to-use SE script account (web space limited for this purpose) when buying a SE-Ticket. The one-step setup through a web form is very simple, you don't have to deal with technical details.